
More on some of the folks who make Worldwide Challenge happen

Amber Kinneer-Amber Kinneer-

Where she’s from:  Florida

Something people don’t know about you is…
I collect children’s books.

If you didn’t work for Campus Crusade, you would…
Teach piano full-time or own my own business 
(Piano studio or massage therapy).

Becky Hill-Becky Hill-

Where she’s from:  Newton, Iowa

Your favorite game growing up was…
Flood, which consisted of nothing more than gathering up all my stuffed animals and toys and putting them on my bed, then pretending it was a boat.

Any interesting hobbies? 
I love collecting napkins–they’re free and serve as memories from a wide variety of places.  I have more than 1000 from probably 30 or 40 countries. 

-Erik Segalini-Erik Segalini

Where he’s from:  New Hampshire

The first job you ever had was…
A bagger at Purity Supreme grocery store (I won the much-coveted “Bagger of the month” award–yeah, you’re impressed.)

You’re driving down a road in the middle of nowhere with the windows down, what music are you listening to?
80’s pop, which I’m most likely singing at the top of my lungs.

Hayley Newsom-Hayley Newsom-

Where she’s from:  Edmond, Oklahoma

Your favorite game growing up was…
Does writing and performing puppet shows count?

Any interesting hobbies?
I paint.  I don’t paint enough, and I don’t paint skillfully, but when I paint, I can lose track of time, and worries become wordless prayers, and my heart gets quiet.

Jessica Fong-Jessica Fong-

Where she’s from:  Boston, Massachusetts

You’re given an island to make into a new country, what do you call it?
I don’t have a witty answer to this, but instead I’ll tell you that since high school I thought those “Name-A-Highway” programs were great because I wanted to buy a highway in each state, name them after my family, and literally put us on the map.

Your favorite game growing up was…
Hungry Hungry Hippos.  There’s something immensely satisfying about four kids slamming their fists into little pastel hippos and calling it a “game”. 

Katie Croft-Katie Croft-

Where she’s from:  Bozeman, Montana

Favorite book… and why?
I love the book Hinds Feet on High Places.  I’ve read it at least 12 times.  It’s an allegory that has shaped how I respond and relate to Jesus- the Good Shepherd, in the mountain top times when things are bright and cheery as well as the difficult dark days in the valley.

You’re given an island to make into a new country, what do you call it?
Is it a small island?  Because if so, I wouldn’t name it.  That way it would be a private island just for me, my family and friends.  We would travel there by latitude and longitude coordinates only… maybe that could be the name- I’m sure no one would ever figure it out.

Mark Winz-Mark Winz-

Where he’s from:  Holdredge, Nebraska

How long have you worked for Campus Crusade for Christ?:  25 years.

What actor would play you in a movie about your life?:  Drew Carrey.

Do you have any hobbies?:  I enjoy photography, especially taking photos of my kids in their sports and activities.

Rich Atkinson-Rich Atkinson-

Where he’s from:  Cleveland, Ohio

Why did you choose to work as a writer for Campus Crusade?
I am creative and a visionary and felt that was the way God was leading me.

Favorite movie… and why?
The Last of the Mohicans
 is my favorite movie.  I enjoy that period of history and it is an exciting action/adventure movie.

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