“The Newbie”

As the newest member of the Writer’s Team, I’ve had my fair share of this is terrifying, can I go home now please moments. Working alongside the literary juggernauts of Erik Segalini and Becky Hill only exacerbate these feelings. Thankfully, these emotions come from my own insecurities and are in no way a reflection of how I’ve been received by the other writers. In fact, working alongside Erik, Becky, Hayley, Rich, Katie, and Jan has been one of the most welcoming atmospheres I’ve ever been a part of.

There are so many highlights/events since being a member of the team that its hard to pick one particularly that captures the seemingly-fluid transition.  Maybe it was when I received my official Missionary Journalist coffee mug, or perhaps when I suffered my first office prank at the hands of the quiet storm that is Hayley Newsom. But if I were to be honest, I would have to say the most exciting highlight so far was our Pizza Lunch.

The Pizza Lunch is a time where all of us who work on the magazine get together and review the previous publication over a delicious smorgasbord of pizza . Discussion ranges from layout design to journalistic quality, but the time itself was incredibly sharpening. I’m a huge fan of the art of journalism, and to be around such professionals while engaging with them is an amazing blessing. I found myself not intimidated, but incredibly grateful.

As a recent college grad, I’m a long way away from the expertise and experience offered by our team, but I felt the freedom to speak openly and contribute during our Pizza Lunch. It wasn’t because I had anything terrific to add, it was because the people here have established an atmosphere of acceptance and opportunity.

I’m so excited to continue this journey with everyone here. I hope that our work and how we do it is encouraging to you, and glorifying to our most Holy God.

-Jonathan Moynihan

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