Category Archives: Office Miscellany

Giving you insight into the day to day workings of the Worldwide Challenge office

Not finding what you’re looking for?

You may be visiting our blog right now and wondering to yourself “Self, I wonder why there are very few posts recently?”.  Well, you’ve posed an excellent question, and we’re happy to break into your self-musing to give you an exciting answer:

Worldwide Challenge has a new Web site!

That means all of the exciting stuff that used to be found here can now be found on our Web site,

This also means that there is no need to visit this old blog anymore as all of the new content will be on  So thank you for your service blog, and farewell…

Head over to new Web site now, and let us know what you think!

-Worldwide Challenge-

A Rare Occurrence…

At about 2:30pm on Tuesday I was sitting in my cube when Hayley exclaimed, “Gosh, when all the writers are in, it’s like a full moon. Craziness!” Then Jess (who is on full time MPD but had stopped in for a quick visit) says, “Wait! Are we all here?!” Within minutes 8 heads popped up from their cubicles and we began questioning the whereabouts of a camera that could capture such a moment: All of the writers were on writers row, including both editors!

The writers are notorious for having an irregular schedule and inevitably someone is always on assignment, taking their wives day or raising support.

I think all the creative stimulation is a recipe for outrageousness.

After a few moments, Becky produced a camera but we realized Rich was missing. Being the consistent one, it was freaking us out. He wasn’t at his desk (like normal) and we wanted to take a picture with him in it!

Finally ::I think it’d been a total of 4 minutes although you’d think it was an hour the way we all reacted:: he walked back onto the row to see 8 coworkers standing around like gophers popping our heads out of cubes, spinning on desk chairs, skipping down the row and shouting in pure jubilation, “Yay! Rich is back!”

Thanks to Eli for taking the pictures for us. 🙂


“The Newbie”

As the newest member of the Writer’s Team, I’ve had my fair share of this is terrifying, can I go home now please moments. Working alongside the literary juggernauts of Erik Segalini and Becky Hill only exacerbate these feelings. Thankfully, these emotions come from my own insecurities and are in no way a reflection of how I’ve been received by the other writers. In fact, working alongside Erik, Becky, Hayley, Rich, Katie, and Jan has been one of the most welcoming atmospheres I’ve ever been a part of.

There are so many highlights/events since being a member of the team that its hard to pick one particularly that captures the seemingly-fluid transition.  Maybe it was when I received my official Missionary Journalist coffee mug, or perhaps when I suffered my first office prank at the hands of the quiet storm that is Hayley Newsom. But if I were to be honest, I would have to say the most exciting highlight so far was our Pizza Lunch.

The Pizza Lunch is a time where all of us who work on the magazine get together and review the previous publication over a delicious smorgasbord of pizza . Discussion ranges from layout design to journalistic quality, but the time itself was incredibly sharpening. I’m a huge fan of the art of journalism, and to be around such professionals while engaging with them is an amazing blessing. I found myself not intimidated, but incredibly grateful.

As a recent college grad, I’m a long way away from the expertise and experience offered by our team, but I felt the freedom to speak openly and contribute during our Pizza Lunch. It wasn’t because I had anything terrific to add, it was because the people here have established an atmosphere of acceptance and opportunity.

I’m so excited to continue this journey with everyone here. I hope that our work and how we do it is encouraging to you, and glorifying to our most Holy God.

-Jonathan Moynihan

New Staff Tours

Today was an exciting day at Worldwide Challenge headquarters as new Campus Crusade for Christ staff-members came by to take a tour.  Apart from telling them about the magazine, and showing our brand new video (which we’re excited to show-off to everyone when our new Web site launches March 1st), we also led them in some intense games of Pictionary.

Here’s a sample of some of today’s artwork:

I remember it had to do with theology, and that it was entirely too complicated for Pictionary

It started as Chic-fil-a, then naturally morphed into dragons attacking a medieval village

Picture Day!

The team is dressed up extra-fancy today and everyone is practicing their best smiles… Why?  Because it’s picture day!

That’s right, reminiscent of elementary school, the whole Worldwide Challenge team is getting some brand-new photos taken for our brand-new “About Us” section that will appear on our brand-new Web site (launching in March).  We’re very excited for you to see our new site, and [most of us] are very excited for you to see our photos.  For the time being, here’s a little preview of Erik’s moment in the spotlight:

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

A special thanks to the Worldwide Challenge team-members who took the liberty of decorating my (Justin) cubicle last week.  I guess this is what happens when you leave the office for a week around Christmas-time:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Staff Retreat (Part 2)

Part 2 of our staff retreat photo gallery focuses in on our “Whodunnit Mystery Event”.  Everyone had a character to play and clues to collect in hopes of solving the mystery.  As you’ll be able to see, it was a great time.

Staff Retreat (Part 1)

A few weeks ago, the Worldwide Challenge team stepped out of the office to spend some time to refocus, grow as a team, and enjoy some good clean fun.  Being as that we are now committed bloggers, we figured we would be remiss to not give you a look into some of the fun from the retreat.  Check back tomorrow for part two of the retreat gallery, where we can promise pictures of the staff, in costume.

How Important is Prayer?

Tomorrow, as we do twice a year, our team will join with Campus Crusade staff members around the world to spend a day praying.

With constant deadlines and a business trip coming up, I’m tempted to find a way to spend the day working on the normal stuff.

Still, I realize that if we want to succeed, it will not come from hard work and many hours. Instead, our success only comes as God works through our team and our pages. Will you pray, along with us, that we see God at work in our midst this week? Thanks.

– Mark

Errors Worthy of Regret

2009-09-16 book imageI’m reading a book titled Regret the Error. I recommend it to any writer, editor or publisher. I’m halfway through it, and I hope to finish it this weekend.

Author Craig Silverman traces the history of journalism, and how errors—both inadvertent mistakes and intentional deceptions—have eroded the public’s trust of journalists and publications. See more, or find out where you can get the book, at

While some of the errors and corrections are humorous, the book is thought provoking. As we bring you stories of how God is working around the world through the hearts and hands of Campus Crusade for Christ staff members, His standard is truth, and that is our commitment.

– Mark –