Monthly Archives: September 2009

Spiritual Breathing- The Back Story

Nine drafts later, I finally finished my first feature article for Worldwide Challenge magazine.  Spiritual breathing was my topic.  My research included testing the waters of scuba diving.  “I smiled when I saw the bold, black lettered-sign that said, “No Diving Permitted” when I surveyed the landscape around the pool.

That’s why I was there.  Being a newbie, the first lesson on how-to scuba was in the controlled environment of an eight–foot deep pool.  In my Christian Growth article I talked about spiritual breathing by using scuba diving as an analogy.  I got the idea after watching Broken Phonebooth’s DVD on the same topic called, “Don’t Hold Your Breath.”

The Broken Phonebooth team creates short, Christian growth/discipleship films for Campus Crusade for Christ and The JESUS Film Project®.

We work six months ahead of time, so watch for the article in the January/February 2010 issue of Worldwide Challenge magazine.

Until then, here’s a few pictures of the experience that won’t be in the magazine.

-Rich A.

What would YOU say?

In a recent conversation with an atheist, one of our writers was asked a profound question:

“If God were to cease to exist for a day, what would you miss?”

Stop and think. This is a challenging question. What would you miss?


Errors Worthy of Regret

2009-09-16 book imageI’m reading a book titled Regret the Error. I recommend it to any writer, editor or publisher. I’m halfway through it, and I hope to finish it this weekend.

Author Craig Silverman traces the history of journalism, and how errors—both inadvertent mistakes and intentional deceptions—have eroded the public’s trust of journalists and publications. See more, or find out where you can get the book, at

While some of the errors and corrections are humorous, the book is thought provoking. As we bring you stories of how God is working around the world through the hearts and hands of Campus Crusade for Christ staff members, His standard is truth, and that is our commitment.

– Mark –