Category Archives: Why we're here

We’re not just here to publish, but to be part of helping to fulfill the Great Commission.

First Things First

(This blog excerpt was taken from Jess Fong’s latest prayer letter)

Hi Family!

I am currently in Boston, storing up on cold weather before heading back to Florida for two months. I am volunteering with several of Campus Crusade’s ministries based here and completing the final draft for my last travel assignment to Montana (where I saw my first snow for the season!).  The story is about a Native American ministry called Nations, through the eyes of Nicholas Ross-Dick, a member of the Yakama Nation.

I spent three days following Nick around.  Eating in the student center, talking to his friends, and listening as he led Bible study; I tried to get just glimmers of what it means to be a Native American Christian college student, a rare demographic.

The second day I worked with Nick, we attended Native American Literature class and walked around campus. It wasn’t until late afternoon that he casually mentioned he was missing a meeting with the university president. As a leader of the American Indian Council on campus, he had been asked to speak on behalf of the Native American students. He was playing hooky because he had already agreed to meet me.

In most Native American cultures, the concept of time is based on priorities, not the clock. Often Native Americans will run late because they were attending to something more important, and will stay late until they feel the task is finished well. To Nick, speaking with me to have this story written about God’s ministry was the heavier priority. But to me, because of the power I had placed on the title of “University President,” I thought he was making a bad call. In the end, we both went to the meeting late.

As I think about Nick, I realize his prioritizing is better than mine- I give weight to things I think are important, but often aren’t, like neglecting morning devotions for breakfast/sleep/e-mail.  The holiday season often puts my priorities askew. I forget to place first what God knows is important.

As we enter into the New Year, I pray that we would all be able to live life according to God’s priorities, and never our own.

(Look for Jess’ story about Nicholas Ross-Dick and Nations Ministry to appear in the May/June issue of Worldwide Challenge.)

How Important is Prayer?

Tomorrow, as we do twice a year, our team will join with Campus Crusade staff members around the world to spend a day praying.

With constant deadlines and a business trip coming up, I’m tempted to find a way to spend the day working on the normal stuff.

Still, I realize that if we want to succeed, it will not come from hard work and many hours. Instead, our success only comes as God works through our team and our pages. Will you pray, along with us, that we see God at work in our midst this week? Thanks.

– Mark

Errors Worthy of Regret

2009-09-16 book imageI’m reading a book titled Regret the Error. I recommend it to any writer, editor or publisher. I’m halfway through it, and I hope to finish it this weekend.

Author Craig Silverman traces the history of journalism, and how errors—both inadvertent mistakes and intentional deceptions—have eroded the public’s trust of journalists and publications. See more, or find out where you can get the book, at

While some of the errors and corrections are humorous, the book is thought provoking. As we bring you stories of how God is working around the world through the hearts and hands of Campus Crusade for Christ staff members, His standard is truth, and that is our commitment.

– Mark –

Magic and Evangelism

Over the last two weeks our city, Orlando, has been abuzz as the Orlando Magic made it into the NBA finals. Street corner vendors hawked T-shirts. Businesses, schools, homes and even cars bore signs cheering on the team.

Today, every radio station aired last night’s result—a disheartening fourth loss in five games, ending the tournament.

In the midst of the excitement, I began to wonder: What if we could make evangelism this exciting? Can we, through our magazine and other media, build such interest?

Five nights I stayed up late to cheer and groan at the game on my television. Would I have stayed late up cheering—or praying—if I was watching someone share the gospel with a friend?

And would I have been as disappointed if that friend said “no” as I was when the Lakers took home their trophy at the end of the lop-sided game last night? I hope so.

I’ll watch the Magic next season, hoping for a return to the finals, and maybe a championship. But I’ll try to keep it in perspective as I look at those around me who need Christ more than Orlando needs an NBA championship.

And through the magazine we’ll keep looking for ways to bring the real excitement of someone choosing to follow Christ to you.

– Mark Winz –