Monthly Archives: February 2010

Vote now for the May/June cover image

We want your vote on what image to use for our May/June cover.

Head over to our Facebook Fan page, take a look at our two cover-finalists in the “Which cover do you like best?” album, then leave a comment  or “Like” the one you prefer (and if you’re not already our fan on Facebook, you might as well do that while you’re there too!)

Voting closes at the end of the day Monday, February 22nd, so vote now!

A Rare Occurrence…

At about 2:30pm on Tuesday I was sitting in my cube when Hayley exclaimed, “Gosh, when all the writers are in, it’s like a full moon. Craziness!” Then Jess (who is on full time MPD but had stopped in for a quick visit) says, “Wait! Are we all here?!” Within minutes 8 heads popped up from their cubicles and we began questioning the whereabouts of a camera that could capture such a moment: All of the writers were on writers row, including both editors!

The writers are notorious for having an irregular schedule and inevitably someone is always on assignment, taking their wives day or raising support.

I think all the creative stimulation is a recipe for outrageousness.

After a few moments, Becky produced a camera but we realized Rich was missing. Being the consistent one, it was freaking us out. He wasn’t at his desk (like normal) and we wanted to take a picture with him in it!

Finally ::I think it’d been a total of 4 minutes although you’d think it was an hour the way we all reacted:: he walked back onto the row to see 8 coworkers standing around like gophers popping our heads out of cubes, spinning on desk chairs, skipping down the row and shouting in pure jubilation, “Yay! Rich is back!”

Thanks to Eli for taking the pictures for us. 🙂


Twenty Tweetable Truths About Magazines

Found this great video from Magazine Publishers of America, take a look:
