Category Archives: Interact

Through polls, discussions, and user submissions, let your voice be heard

Not finding what you’re looking for?

You may be visiting our blog right now and wondering to yourself “Self, I wonder why there are very few posts recently?”.  Well, you’ve posed an excellent question, and we’re happy to break into your self-musing to give you an exciting answer:

Worldwide Challenge has a new Web site!

That means all of the exciting stuff that used to be found here can now be found on our Web site,

This also means that there is no need to visit this old blog anymore as all of the new content will be on  So thank you for your service blog, and farewell…

Head over to new Web site now, and let us know what you think!

-Worldwide Challenge-

Vote now for the May/June cover image

We want your vote on what image to use for our May/June cover.

Head over to our Facebook Fan page, take a look at our two cover-finalists in the “Which cover do you like best?” album, then leave a comment  or “Like” the one you prefer (and if you’re not already our fan on Facebook, you might as well do that while you’re there too!)

Voting closes at the end of the day Monday, February 22nd, so vote now!

Vote on the January/February Cover! (Voting Now Closed)

We need your vote!  For our upcoming January/February cover we’ve narrowed it down to our two favorite photos, and we figured, as this will be showing up in your mailbox, we should give you a say in which option you like best.  All you need to do is vote in the poll below before Monday, Oct. 19th at 9AM (EST) and tell us which cover you’d most like to see.  If you’re really pulling for one, feel free to coerce your friends to get on and vote as well, or leave a comment describing why you made the choice you did.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you think about our January/February cover.  See you at the polls!

Here are your two choices:

Option 1: Option 1

And Option 2: Option 2

Voting is now closed. Thank you to the many people who gave their opinion, stay tuned for the January/February issue to see if your favorite cover won!

What would YOU say?

In a recent conversation with an atheist, one of our writers was asked a profound question:

“If God were to cease to exist for a day, what would you miss?”

Stop and think. This is a challenging question. What would you miss?


U.S. Staff Conference on Twitter

CSU on TwitterHello friends of Worldwide Challenge!  It’s abnormally quiet around the Orlando office today as much of our staff is in Fort Collins, Colorado for the Campus Crusade for Christ 2009 U.S. Staff Conference.

The good news is, if you are among the Twitter-savvy you’ll be able to follow the Staff Conference.  All you need to do is follow the CSU Twitter or to read what folks at the conference are saying, use the Hashtag #CSU09CCC

Also, if you’re among those at CSU, we’d love to hear what you think! Feel free to leave us a comment or two here, and let us know what you think of Staff Conference 2009.

“On the Edge”- Tell us what you think

On the EdgeYou may have noticed that our May/June issue of Worldwide Challenge had some new layouts, including our “On the Edge” story (pages 28-35). We’d love to hear what you thought about it, so head on over to and take our brief survey to let your voice be heard.

-Worldwide Challenge Team-