Monthly Archives: October 2009

Vote on the January/February Cover! (Voting Now Closed)

We need your vote!  For our upcoming January/February cover we’ve narrowed it down to our two favorite photos, and we figured, as this will be showing up in your mailbox, we should give you a say in which option you like best.  All you need to do is vote in the poll below before Monday, Oct. 19th at 9AM (EST) and tell us which cover you’d most like to see.  If you’re really pulling for one, feel free to coerce your friends to get on and vote as well, or leave a comment describing why you made the choice you did.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing what you think about our January/February cover.  See you at the polls!

Here are your two choices:

Option 1: Option 1

And Option 2: Option 2

Voting is now closed. Thank you to the many people who gave their opinion, stay tuned for the January/February issue to see if your favorite cover won!

Staff Retreat (Part 2)

Part 2 of our staff retreat photo gallery focuses in on our “Whodunnit Mystery Event”.  Everyone had a character to play and clues to collect in hopes of solving the mystery.  As you’ll be able to see, it was a great time.

Staff Retreat (Part 1)

A few weeks ago, the Worldwide Challenge team stepped out of the office to spend some time to refocus, grow as a team, and enjoy some good clean fun.  Being as that we are now committed bloggers, we figured we would be remiss to not give you a look into some of the fun from the retreat.  Check back tomorrow for part two of the retreat gallery, where we can promise pictures of the staff, in costume.

How Important is Prayer?

Tomorrow, as we do twice a year, our team will join with Campus Crusade staff members around the world to spend a day praying.

With constant deadlines and a business trip coming up, I’m tempted to find a way to spend the day working on the normal stuff.

Still, I realize that if we want to succeed, it will not come from hard work and many hours. Instead, our success only comes as God works through our team and our pages. Will you pray, along with us, that we see God at work in our midst this week? Thanks.

– Mark